Horouta Waka
Dear Chiefs
I am writing to you to say that I would be a responsible person on board the Horouta Waka. I also promise to show you that it would not be a mistake to put me on board.
Reason 1
Firstly I would be a great person on board the Waka because I have had a lot of experience on how to navigate the Big waters. My family told me that if I were to ever get lost in the ocean I needed to follow the Seagulls , Stars , Waves and the clouds. And now I have learned how to use them so I'm pretty sure that if you had me on board you would not get lost.
Reason 2
Secondly I reckon that there are know boulders who have put more efit to get on this Waka like be because my family had to bold our house and I was there best helper because I had to collect wood to bold the house and I had to hold the wood in place until I was aloud to let go.
Reason 3
Thirdly as I said that there were big seas and that I know how to navigate them is because me my Brother , Sister , and Dad went on a fishing trip and I have be out there and seen it for my own eyes and that the weather changes all the time and it could be a risky trip and I am willing to pay full attention and I am willing to risky my life to find land.
I think that my skills would bring a lot of great qualities to this trip and that I would be one of the biggest helpers and in most things. Please recommend me to other chiefs over the island.
Yours who wants to go is Anais BRODIE